Tips For Designing Various Forms of Greeting Cards

Greeting cards are relatively small cards nicely designed with carefully written and decorative letters sometimes with an appropriate illustration. They are used to send kind regards to our loved ones. They are also used to express our affection and sympathy to work mates, friends and relatives. Moreover, they are used to send best wishes, comforting news, congratulatory messages to people that we cherish. Others are used to invite people to occasions and programs. They are very necessary when friends, relatives and workmates receive promotions, appointments, enstoolment/ enskinment, graduation, ordination, elections etc. The designs, colours and illustrations were chosen should reflect and suit the
Christmas Celebration
This is a greeting card is used to send Christmas wishes to our loved ones. The choice of colours should reflect the happy occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ. Such colours include white (holiness of Christ), blue
(calmness and sereneness of the season), orange (festive, joyous occasion), yellow (amazing riches of God) and green (vitality and new birth). The suitable designs that can be used include Christmas bell, flowers, a picture of a newborn, angels, Christmas tree and lights etc.
Get well Soon (Recovery)
This greeting card is used to send comforting and strengthening messages to the sick or infirm ones. It is believed to spur them on and boost or increase their health status for the better. The appropriate choice of colours for this occasion include green (vitality and good health), black (strength), yellow (brightness that reflects hope in distress), brown (comfort), blue (gentleness and calmness that reflect perfect health of the body), pink (good health and life), and white (victory over sickness and weakness). Suitable designs include a formerly sick person who has recovered, flowers, a person in a sick mood, agile animals etc.
This greeting card is used to send kind wishes to a birthday celebrant. Since it's a happy occasion, colours such as blue (love or affection), white (good luck), green (vitality), grey (wish of more years or old age), brown (friendship) and orange (festive mood and energy) are appropriate for the occasion. Suitable designs include candles, flowers, birthday cakes etc.
This greeting card is used to send success wishes to students who are about to write an examination or to go for promotion. Appropriate colours include white (success or victory), black (intelligence), purple (wisdom), green (good luck), and blue (security). Examples of suitable designs include stationery items such as books, pens, etc., a person studying, flowers etc.

                                     ZIP FOLDER WATERMARKS FREE

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  • AI file
  • CDT file &
  • 300 di jpeg file


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